Picture: J. Bulian
Cryptelytrops [Trimeresurus] macrops
Length: up to 72 cm
However these snakes usually only reach a length of around 50 cm.
Northern and central Thailand. These little poisonous snakes are often found in the area around Bangkok.
Habitat and behaviour:
This is, just like other species of Trimeresurus, a snake which is active at night. When twilight falls, these snakes leave their daytime hideouts in bushes and trees where they sleep curled up in a ball, and go on the hunt in shrubs and on the ground for frogs, lizards, birds and rodents. Trimeresurus macrops is easily recognisable from other species of Trimeresurus due to its large yellow eyes. Although these animals usually sit on branches and ignore passers-by, they can bite as fast as lightning.
Just like other species of Trimeresurus. The poison may be a little stronger than that of Trimeresurus albolbris. A poisonous bite does not generally lead to major complications.