Family: Elapidae (Elapids)
Subfamily: Bungarinae
Genus: Naja (Cobra)


Picture: J. Bulian

Naja kaouthia
(Monocled Cobra)
Thai: ngoo how thai

Up to 150 cm

Occurrence: Whole of Thailand, quite common

Naja kaouthia lives at ground level in the lowlands, although it can climb and swim well. The snake is just as at home in wood and bush areas as in plantations, rice fields, villages and towns. The Monocle Cobra is active during the day and night. They do prefer to be nocturnal. These snakes feed on rodents, frogs, toads, ducklings and chicks. If threatened, these snakes erect themselves, spread out their neck and hiss. If you remain calm, they usually flee the scene. The colour of the snake can vary from light beige to dark brown to grey.

  totenkop   totenkop   totenkop

Strong poison, deadly!


Picture: L. Trutnau

Naja siamensis (Indochinese Spitting Cobra)

Up to 1 m

Occurrence: Whole of Thailand, apart from south of Chonburi.

Naja siamensis is found in wooded areas, on agricultural land and in human settlements. This snake is active at dusk and at night and can spit its poison up to a distance of 3 meters directly into the eyes of its attacker. They are much more likely and quicker to bite than the Naja kaouthia. This animal can be black, black/white, yellow or brown.

Naja siamensis possesses a deadly poison. In addition, the spitting of poison can lead to damage to the corneas.

  totenkop   totenkop  

Strong poison, deadly, corrosive for the eyes!


Naja sumatrana (Equatorial Spitting Cobra)
Thai: ngoo how si nooan

Length: Up to 1 m

Occurrence: Mainly in southern Thailand, relatively rare

Active at night and at dawn. The snake is aggressive. It straightens up when threatened, spits and squirts poison up to a distance of 3m into the eyes of the attacker. There is also the danger of a poisonous bite.

Note: The colouring of the animals varies greatly.

  totenkop   totenkop   totenkop

Strong poison, deadly, corrosive for the eyes!